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Re: migrating to GitLab

From: Jean-Charles Malahieude
Subject: Re: migrating to GitLab
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 11:30:20 +0200
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Le 10/05/2020 à 10:50, Jonas Hahnfeld a écrit :
Am Samstag, den 09.05.2020, 16:11 -0400 schrieb Dan Eble:
On May 9, 2020, at 15:13, David Kastrup <address@hidden> wrote:
Carl Sorensen <address@hidden> writes:
->CS At any rate, I think that we should have appropriate CG
instructions at the time we make the switch.  They don't have to be
perfect (the CG has a much lower editing bar than the NR), but they
need to be in place, IMO.

It's sort of a hen and egg problem: if we want to have all that before,
it increases the workload for those preparing the migration and they
have to guess.

I totally agree that the CG should reflect the new workflows.  But at
the time we do the switch, those new workflows are still in flux.

I understand Carl's perspective, but I'm on the side of jumping in.  I don't 
expect that we'll be inundated with newbie contributors between now and the 
time we figure out what to put in the CG.

Maybe we could put in a minimal note referring to the project on GitLab and 
explaining that a more thorough CG revision is pending.

Sure, I can prepare such update. But as written roughly the same time
yesterday, we need to release 2.21.2 in order for that to be uploaded.

In any case it's not clear to me whether I should prepare for the
migration today or not. This would be less frustrating if other high-
volume developers (including but not limited to David, Han-Wen, Werner)
commented on the plan...

It's fine with me. The only thing I'll have to know is how I should adapt my ./git/remotes file to ping the right repo

** traduc **
URL: ssh://address@hidden/srv/git/lilypond.git/
Push: translation:refs/heads/translation
Pull: translation:refs/remotes/origin/translation
** EOF **

and have "$ git pull traduc" work as usual since 2009.


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