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[igraph] randomize network with more controls

From: Qunawei Zhang
Subject: [igraph] randomize network with more controls
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2015 12:25:08 -0400
User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/


I know how to use rewire and deSeq to randomize a network and keep the degree of the nodes.
I have a protein-protein interaction network (192 nodes and 561 edges). Unlike other protein-protein interaction network, I found the interactions among hubs are not suppressed. I want to test whether this topology will make the subnetwork more vulnerable for random attacks. 
So  I need some random network for comparison. To randomize the network I want to reduce the interactions among hub genes and on the other hand increase the number of interactions among hubs and non hubs. Is it possible to used some existing method in igraph to get this?

Many thanks


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