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Re: [igraph] Retrieve nodes forming a motif with subgraph_isomorphisms

From: Phil Cui
Subject: Re: [igraph] Retrieve nodes forming a motif with subgraph_isomorphisms
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 21:30:58 -0400

Hi Greg,

Thank you for sharing us with what you have experienced. This is exactly what happened on my code, i.e. such data structure as igraph.vs and igraph.es in the new version of igraph seem slow down indexing.  I will try to turn off the option of the encapsulated data structure according to your suggestion by setting igraph_options(return.vs.es = F ) and to check if it will run faster. Will let you know.




Phil Hengjun Cui
Drexel University | Electrical and Computer Engineering
Philadelphia, USA

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Dr Gregory Jefferis <address@hidden> wrote:
On 14 Aug 2015, at 20:12, Phil Cui wrote:

Yes, neither do I think that should slow down the code. However, that's the only part that two code are different in. So, I would like to hear from Gabor about how igraph.vs() works.

Gabor will obviously give the best response, but I have a suspicion that this is related to what I noticed in this thread:


If you follow the thread you will see that Gabor started making some changes in response to this


which don't seem to me to be in the CRAN package. The trivial way to get round this is to convert the igraph.vs to an integer sequence if that is all you need.



Gregory Jefferis, PhD
Division of Neurobiology
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Cambridge, CB2 OQH, UK


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