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Re: [igraph] Retrieve nodes forming a motif with subgraph_isomorphisms

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] Retrieve nodes forming a motif with subgraph_isomorphisms
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 18:31:50 +0200

> (1) I apply ego to get the neighbors since ego runs faster than neigbhors:
        neighbors_motif_current <- ego( g_OriginGraph, 1, motif_current )

Are you sure about that? I would think that ego() is slower.

Also, I see no significant difference between the Python and R parts
that you have posted - could it be the case that the difference lies
elsewhere? For instance, could it happen that you accidentally "copy"
a graph or a large subset of it in the R code that you don't do in


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