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Re: [igraph] Loading Igraph and Cairo

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] Loading Igraph and Cairo
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 08:58:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

> When I go to the igraph page and try the link to the MSI installers (Python
> Package Index) I get "not found"
I haven't managed to prepare MSI installers yet for python-igraph 0.7 so they
are not on PyPI. Where did you find the links pointing to them? I cannot see
them on the download page.

> I am able to download Christoph'a
> installers ( I think I did this before) but I dont know what to do with
> them after they are downloaded.
It looks like Christoph's page switched to switching Python wheels (files with
.whl as an extension) instead of MSI installers. I have never used wheels
myself, but according to the documentation of the wheel module, you should be
able to install them from the command line as follows:

0) If you don't have pip, install it first:


1) Upgrade pip to the latest version to ensure that it supports wheels:

pip install --upgrade pip

2) Install wheel itself

pip install wheel

3) Install python-igraph

pip install --use-wheel --find-links=http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs 

> Are there detailed instructions anywhere?
No, not yet and even if they were, they would be broken by now because
I haven't noticed yet that Christoph's page switched to using Python wheels.

Let me know whether this worked for you.

All the best,

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