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Re: New style sheet for Texinfo 7.x

From: Jean-Christophe Helary
Subject: Re: New style sheet for Texinfo 7.x
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 22:45:05 +0900

> On Mar 6, 2023, at 22:34, Luis Felipe <> wrote:
> Hi Gavin,
> On Sunday, March 5th, 2023 at 18:48, Gavin Smith <> 
> wrote:
>> This looks great, thanks for posting!
> Glad you like it :)

It's really nice.

It reminds me of what I was trying to do for the Emacs manuals:


>> CSS can really help with making a manual look approachable, especially
>> with adjusting the text block width.
> I agree.
>> Could I suggest that the node navigation header would look better if
>> it wasn't surrounded in white space?
> I agree. The reason it is the way it is is that I didn't find the HTML 
> structure that convenient to lay out the navigation differently. So I decided 
> to wait until the HTML was updated to HTML 5's semantic elements. For 
> example, I'd expect a structure more or less like this
>  NAV
> That way the padding of the ARTICLE wouldn't affect the style of the NAV.
> But I might take another look and see if I can relocate the navigation using 
> the current structure. Also, I'm working on a project called Guile Documentá, 
> where I want to explore rendering the Texinfo tree with a custom HTML 
> structure (not public yet, though).
>> I found the example with a nested @def* block interesting:
>> It reminded me of this thread:
>> Nested @def* could be a good way to define parameters, return values, and
>> so on. With the new @defline facility the user could define macros like
>> @param that expanded to "@defline Parameter".
> That would be nice because I think those kinds of nested definitions make it 
> easier to find the information you're looking for compared to defining 
> parameters within the paragraphs that explain a given command, procedure, 
> etc.<publickey - - 0x12DE1598.asc>

Jean-Christophe Helary

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