Hello agian Markus,
I am pleased you have taken interest.
I have included an example of "undergraduate cross product textbook confusion".
First you will see the mathematical (used in theatrical Electromagnetics) illustration
common to cross product vector analysis.
Second is illustrations of simple changing the axis label to seemling correct this issue,
By the way, this is not earth shattering news, I discovered this in Mathworks during the 90's.
Please Be Careful not to be fooled by my trickery of Octave, it's for illustration only,
There is nothing incorrect with Octave's workings. More of a wish list.
Please note this is a simple single vector from 0,0,0 to 1,2,1 in all cases.
In figure 4, this looks as seen Fig 188 (b). Here the orientation is view(145,-218) as
also the plot code (t,x,y,z) for the vector. However, if rotated back around, so that
it looks like Fig 188 (a), x axis and y axis move where y is left and x is right of the plot.
Thus, Figure 5, I simple changed the xlabel and ylabel statements, and all is well,
except x data is y data, and y data is x data. Completely incorrect, as shown.
So no matter where this plot is viewed from, it is still a Left handed coordinate system.
This is a very small detail, however, It's used during exam's to "weed out bell curve" types.
I looked into changing this, and will take much time to introduce a switch to change
between left and right coordinate systems.
Please indicate any more missing information, I take a lot for granted in electromagnetics.
Regards, T