hg clone https://www.octave.org/hg/octave && \
cd octave && \
mkdir .build && \
cd .build && \
./../configure --prefix=$HOME/my_octave
But using the above I get the following error:
configure: WARNING: SUNDIALS IDA library not configured with SUNLINSOL_KLU or sunlinksol_klu.h is not usable.
The solvers ode15i and ode15s will not support the sparse Jacobian feature.
I managed to build Octave using the command,
./../configure --prefix=$HOME/my_octave CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/suitesparse"
Because I found the klu.h library inside suitesparse.How can I add this to the configure.ac
so that next time I can just configure using:
./../configure --prefix=$HOME/my_octave
Can someone please help me out?