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maybe (?) dumb question ...

From: Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza
Subject: maybe (?) dumb question ...
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 21:42:22 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.6 (Linux/3.11.10-7-desktop; KDE/4.11.5; x86_64; ; )

Dear listmembers,
say, I would like to open a file within a certain directory I am in. So I 
start typing (in the "octave" window)


because, for some dumb reason, I forgot the name of the file (and, let me tell 
you, this issue becomes more and more serious the older one becomes ;-)).

Now, what I had had expected is to get a list of the files in the current 
directory (as everything else would make no sense in this specific case).

But, instead, though there may be only say 20 files in total within that 
directory I get 

octave:5> infile=fopen("
Display all 1644 possibilities? (y or n)

what definitively makes no sense at all (to me ...). Well, I hear you say, 
you'd better typed "ls" prior to start typing the command as such, but here I 
am now. And I am lazy and I do not want to delete the command I just started 
typing. I had had expected to get nothing but a list of files in the current 
directory as this is the most probable intention (for me ...) when pressing 
the TAB key assuming the described situation.

Am I doing something wrong here? Is this behaviour expected, or, I'd better 
say, is it intended?

Thank you very much for looking into this,
take care

Dieter Jurzitza


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if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)

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