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Lists of objects?

From: Joanna Rutkowska
Subject: Lists of objects?
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:46:41 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20121016 Thunderbird/16.0.1


What is the best method to create a list of objects (all of the same class)? I tried this:

list = [obj1, obj2, obj3];

... but when displaying such a list (the class defines own display() method) I can see how the calls to each display () method got screwed up, and intermixed, just if there was some race condition problem somewhere, e.g.:

octave:2> motors_list

Robbe ROXXY 2827/34 motor:

MK 3638 motor:
 Kv = 760.000000 [RPM/V]
 Kv = 770.000000 [RPM/V]
 Rm = 0.244000 [Ohm]
 Rm = 0.700000 [Ohm]
 I0 = 0.500000 [A]
 I0 = 0.060000 [A]
 mass = 60 [g]
 mass = 132 [g]
 max current (continues) = 9.0 [A]
 max current (continues) = 20.0 [A]
 source: Google :)

When I use cell array instead, i.e.:

list = {obj1, obj2, obj3}

... then the display works fine:

octave:2> motors_list
motors_list =

Robbe ROXXY 2827/34 motor:
 Kv = 760.000000 [RPM/V]
 Rm = 0.244000 [Ohm]
 I0 = 0.500000 [A]
 mass = 60 [g]
 max current (continues) = 9.0 [A]

MK 3638 motor:
 Kv = 770.000000 [RPM/V]
 Rm = 0.700000 [Ohm]
 I0 = 0.060000 [A]
 mass = 132 [g]
 max current (continues) = 20.0 [A]
 source: Google :)

Anybody can explain to me why the use of standard array messes up the output?

Also, what is the best method to build a list successively, e.g.:

obj1 = xxx ()
list = {list, obj1}

obj2 = xxx ()
list = {list, obj2}

The code above unfortunately doesn't work well, because it creates nested cell arrays.


Also, what is the best method to create code that would something like that:

list1 = {c1_obj1, c1_obj2, c1_obj3, ...} // all objs of class c1
list2 = {c2_obj1, c2_obj2, ...} // objects of class c2
listN = {cN_obj1, cN_obj2, ...} // objects of class cN

Now, for each combination of objects from each list, do something, e.g.:

X = something (list1(i1), list2(i2), ... listN(iN)

In other words, having some N-dimensional space of possible configurations, I would like to calculate a target function on each possible point in this space.

The most primitive way of coding this would be, of course using the N nested for loops, e.g.:

for i1 = 1:lengtt(list1)
 for i2 = 1:length(list2)
   for iN = 1:length(listN)
        X = something (list1(i1), list(i2), ..., list(iN))

but I was curious if there is a mechanism in matlab to do that somehow nicer?


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