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cellidx()? with a pattern? deprecated?

From: forkandwait
Subject: cellidx()? with a pattern? deprecated?
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 20:00:31 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Hi all,

Is there a standard function to get the effect of cellidx(LISTVAR, STRLIST),
except with either a single pattern or a list of patterns in STRLIST? 
Basically, I want to grep through a cell array for a pattern and get an index
array back with all matches.

Desired behavior example:

[1 0 1] == fooidx({'A1', 'B1', 'A2'}, 'A*')

In my googling, it seems that cellidx might either be deprecated or be
non-standard -- is this true?  It isn't in ML's alpha list.  It definitely
doesn't behave as I expect, but it might be more specialized (signal
processing?) than I know about.

FWIW, this is for finding certain column names in data.  I read in the matrix
(3000 x 1200) as one variable, then this list of 1200 column names as a cell
array -- something dataframe-ish might be useful here, though I will wait a
little Pascal works on that (yay!)

(I am having major deja vu ... hopefully I didn't ask this question and forget
the answer...)

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