Hi all?
I have set up a system of differential equations to solve an age
structured model for disease transmission. I have it running okay in
MATLAB. However, I want to move to my models from MATLAB to Octave.
On running the model in Octave, it generates the following errors:
> [time,Mv,M,S,I,R,Ir]=solve_rate1([0 30],3,beta,options);
Number of arguments supplied correct.
***** Integration in progress. Please wait... *****
error: Unknown parameter name "BDF" or no valid parameter value
error: evaluating if command near line 278, column 9
error: evaluating switch command near line 55, column 5
error: evaluating for command near line 53, column 3
error: called from `odepkg_structure_check' in file `C:\Program
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 82, column 19
error: evaluating if command near line 75, column 5
error: evaluating if command near line 53, column 3
error: called from `ode45' in file `C:\Program
error: evaluating if command near line 66, column 5
error: evaluating while command near line 64, column 1
error: called from `solve_rate1' in file
Is there a missing package that I may be required to install. I have
used the ODE solver: ode45.
Waiting to hear from you.