*From:* Thomas Treichl <address@hidden>
*To:* timothy kinyanjui <address@hidden>
*Cc:* octave <address@hidden>
*Sent:* Friday, June 12, 2009 11:20:06 AM
*Subject:* Re: Solving ODE system in Octave
timothy kinyanjui schrieb:
> Hi all?
> I have set up a system of differential equations to solve an age
structured model for disease transmission. I have it running okay in
MATLAB. However, I want to move my models from MATLAB to Octave.
> On running the model in Octave, it generates the following errors:
> > [time,Mv,M,S,I,R,Ir]=solve_rate1([0 30],3,beta,options);
> Number of arguments supplied correct.
> ***** Integration in progress. Please wait... *****
> --------------------------------
> error: Unknown parameter name "BDF" or no valid parameter value
> error: evaluating if command near line 278, column 9
> error: evaluating switch command near line 55, column 5
> error: evaluating for command near line 53, column 3
> error: called from `odepkg_structure_check' in file `C:\Program
> error: evaluating assignment expression near line 82, column 19
> error: evaluating if command near line 75, column 5
> error: evaluating if command near line 53, column 3
> error: called from `ode45' in file `C:\Program
> error: evaluating if command near line 66, column 5
> error: evaluating while command near line 64, column 1
> error: called from `solve_rate1' in file
> octave-3.0.5.exe:15:d:\model_data\work\two_age_structure_model
> Is there a missing package that I may be required to install. I have
used the ODE solver: ode45.
> Waiting to hear from you.
> regards,
> tim
Can you please send and output of your 'options' structure (and if you
can send even more information about your code so that we can help)
Here is the options function that I have supplied to the ode45 function.
options =
AbsTol = 1.0000e-020
BDF = [](0x0)
Events = [](0x0)
InitialStep = 0.0010000
Jacobian = [](0x0)
JConstant = [](0x0)
JPattern = [](0x0)
Mass = [](0x0)
MassConstant = [](0x0)
MassSingular = [](0x0)
MaxOrder = [](0x0)
MaxStep = [](0x0)
NormControl = on
OutputFcn = [](0x0)
OutputSel = [](0x0)
Refine = [](0x0)
RelTol = 3.0000e-014
Stats = off
Vectorized = on
MStateDependence = [](0x0)
MvPattern = [](0x0)
InitialSlope = [](0x0)
Reltol = [](0x0)