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Re: Octave 2.9.12 available for ftp

From: Thomas Treichl
Subject: Re: Octave 2.9.12 available for ftp
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 21:02:31 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070221)

Hi John,

current CVS snapshot for octave-2.9.12 compiles fine for me on MacOSX 10.4.9 IA32, I just have 4 fails for './make check', here is the output of the fntests.log:

>>>>> processing /Users/Thomas/Development/octave/scripts/set/ismember.m
  ***** assert (ismember ('', {'abc', 'def'}), false);
!!!!! test failed
error: assert (ismember (, {"abc", "def"}),false) expected
but got
Dimensions don't match
  ***** fail (ismember ([], {1, 2}), 'error:.*');
!!!!! test failed
error: expected error <error:.*>
but got <parse error near line 183 of file ./fntests.m

  syntax error

>>> ;

  ***** fail (ismember ({[]}, {1, 2}), 'error:.*');
!!!!! test failed
error: sort: wrong type argument `cell'

>>>>> processing test_sparse
  ***** assert(as./bs,sparse(af./bf,true),100*eps);
!!!!! test failed
error: assert (as ./ bs,sparse (af ./ bf, true),100 * eps) expected
   Inf + Infi     2 -   1i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi   Inf + Infi
     0 +   0i     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   Inf - NaNi
but got
   NaN - NaNi     2 -   1i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
     0 +   0i     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
NaNs don't match
shared variables {
  as =

Compressed Column Sparse (rows = 3, cols = 4, nnz = 4)

  (1, 1) ->  1 + 1i
  (1, 2) ->  2 - 1i
  (2, 4) ->  3 + 2i
  (3, 4) ->  4 + 0i

  af =

     1 + 1i   2 - 1i   0 + 0i   0 + 0i
     0 + 0i   0 + 0i   0 + 0i   3 + 2i
     0 + 0i   0 + 0i   0 + 0i   4 + 0i

  bs =

Compressed Column Sparse (rows = 3, cols = 4, nnz = 4)

  (2, 1) ->  2
  (3, 1) ->  3
  (1, 2) ->  1
  (3, 2) ->  2

  bf =

     0   1   0   0
     2   0   0   0
     3   2   0   0



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