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octave 2.9.9 under cygwin does not find scriptfiles on network path

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: octave 2.9.9 under cygwin does not find scriptfiles on network path
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:36:17 -0400

On 16-Oct-2006, Benjamin Lindner wrote:

| Hello,
| I am using octave 2.9.9 compiled under cygwin.
| I experience the following problem: adding a network directory to octave's
| searchpath works, but m-files located there are not found by octave
| This problem also occurs with octave 2.9.6, but does not occur with 
| octave 2.1.73.
| I have the following simple function located under /cygdrive/u:
| $ cat /cygdrive/u/mytestfunction.m 
| function mytestfunction()
| disp("in function mytestfunction");
| endfunction
| Following test procedure:
| $ octave-2.9.9 --norc
| octave-2.9.9:1> addpath("/cygdrive/u")
| octave-2.9.9:2> path
| Octave's search path contains the following directories:
| .                                                                        
| /cygdrive/u                                                              
| <snipped octave default load path here>
| octave-2.9.9:3> stat("/cygdrive/u/mytestfunction.m")
| ans =
| {
|   dev =  1.8792e+09
|   ino =  1.2159e+19
|   mode =  33188
|   modestr = -rw-r--r--
|   nlink =  1
|   uid =  253788
|   gid =  10545
|   rdev =  1.8792e+09
|   size =  77
|   atime =  1.1610e+09
|   mtime =  1.1610e+09
|   ctime =  1.1610e+09
|   blksize =  1024
|   blocks =  4
| }
| octave-2.9.9:4> which mytestfunction    
| which: `mytestfunction' is undefined
| octave-2.9.9:5> mytestfunction
| error: `mytestfunction' undefined near line 5 column 1
| I have a list of directories located at local hard drive added to 
| octave's searchpath, and here everything works fine. Only if I include
| a network drive, something's wrong.
| I searched the mailing lists, and came across the following bug
| issued for octave-2.1.73
| but this was related to recursive loadpath searching - not really the
| problem I encountered.
| What can I do to debug this problem?
| I tried the strace tool, but - frankly said -  I do not know where to 
| look for indications in the tons of lines I got.

Presumably, somewhere in the output from strace there should be a
record of attempting to open /cygdrive/u/mytestfunction.m.  If not,
then why not?  If it is there, but the open fails, then why does it

BTW, it is better to post bug reports to the bug list.



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