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Re: libSVM support in Octave

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: libSVM support in Octave
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 22:09:13 -0400

On  8-Oct-2006, Bill Denney wrote:

| doesn't exist.  Does it still fail if you put a file called transpose.m 
| in the path that just does this:
| function x = transpose(x)
|   x = x';
| endfunction
| If that works, then we probably need to add a function like that into 
| the octave distribution for compatibility.

I think Bill's solution should work, but for transpose, I think you
want to use the .' operator.  The ' operator is also known as
ctranspose in Matlab.

Yes, we should probably make all these operators available with named
functions as well.


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