I am running octave-2.1.73 on a PPC G5 running MacOs X. I downloaded the binary from the HPC project. I am running a small program that integrates some ODEs and then plot results using the mesh function. The matrices have size 100 x 1000. The problem is, it takes about 10 minutes for the first gnuplot windows to show up, and about 10 minutes more for the second window to pop up. The PowerMac has 2 processors and 2 Gb RAM, and I can`t figure why it takes so long.
I ran the same script on my Windows box (octave-2.1.73 under cygwin), and it takes about 10 seconds to disply the first window and about 5 seconds more to display the second (thee numbers might be exaggerated, as I am using the windows box remotely, through RDesktop).