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Re: Is there a function similar to matlab gcf?

From: David Grohmann
Subject: Re: Is there a function similar to matlab gcf?
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 13:22:02 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

frank wang wrote:
I am poriting existing code to octave. One function gcf is missing from octave. Is there a function or a way to do the similar thing as gcf in matlab?
Also, matlab updates its setdiff function. The new setdiff function can return a second result which contains the index. Hopefully, octave will also update its setdiff function.

_______________________________________________ Help-octave mailing list address@hidden
is gcf greatest common factor? if so just google for euclid gcd the algorithm is pretty simple. gcd(a,b) = { if a = 0, return b, else return gcd( b%a, a) }

gcd  = greatest common divisor, same thing.
David Grohmann
Senior Student Associate
Applied Research Lab : UT Austin : ESL - S206
Office: 512-835-3237

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