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64-bit ints for array indexing

From: Luke Sjulson
Subject: 64-bit ints for array indexing
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 13:23:36 -0500


I'm running octave 2.1.52 in 64-bit mode on an opteron running linux, and I ran into the limitation of not being able to work with arrays containing more than 2^31 elements, which is apparently because octave uses 32 bit ints for array indexing. There was a simple workaround, but I was wondering: has anyone compiled a version of octave that uses long ints for array indexing? Which files would I have to be modified? Are there any plans to incorporate this into future releases of octave?

thanks a lot,

Lucas L. Sjulson
Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering MD/PhD Program
Laboratory of Neural Systems (Miesenboeck Lab)
Department of Structural Biology
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue, Box 205
New York, NY 10021
tel: 212-639-5135
fax: 212-794-6236

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