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Re: mouse support in gnuplot-3.8c

From: Phil Cummins
Subject: Re: mouse support in gnuplot-3.8c
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 17:56:35 +0900


  Thanks, Thomas. Why didn't I think of .octaverc?
(On second thought, no, don't tell me!). Putting
"gset mouse" in .octavrc works fine.
  For what it's worth I can report that the mouse
enhancement in gnuplot-3.8c seems to work really 
well. You can zoom (and unzoom) and put notations 
on the figure. Very useful for the kind of work I 
have to do.
  It looks like the pm3d enhancement is also very 
nice but I haven't tried that yet. 

>    Phil> Hello,
>    Phil>    I just compiled and installed gnuplot-3.8c from:
>    Phil>
>    Phil> Is there anyway to get this 'set mouse' command sent to gnuplot
>    Phil> when I use the plot command? Thanks,
>yes you can enable it.
>Assuming yue are at UN*X/L*N*X: Edit '~/.octaverc' and add the line:
>gset mouse

>octave allways reads this file at start.  For more search in the docs.

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