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Re: execution speed in *oct files

From: Thomas Walter
Subject: Re: execution speed in *oct files
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:30:32 +0200

>>>>> "A+A" == A+A Adler <A> writes:


    A+A> Another area is the BLAS. Octave seems to use the generic
    A+A> fortran BLAS rather than one optimized for any architecture.
    A+A> (I remember taking a look at BLAS functionality when I was
    A+A> putting together the sparse functions for octave ) There seems
    A+A> to be no open source optimized BLAS available, and this
    A+A> difference must be responsible for much of the Matlab/octave
    A+A> speed difference.

I think some of those reading this mailing list know about 'GSL', the
'GNU scientific library'.  They encoded the blas in C if I understand
the code right.  Have a large number of random number generators and
distribution generators.

Perhaps anybody with more knewledge about the needs for octave may
have a look at it.  The current version of 'gsl' as tar archive can be
found at

    A+A> This leads me to 2 opinions:

    A+A> 1) octave speed is not a big issue. As long as I know how to 
    A+A>    write efficient *oct files, I'm fine.

    A+A> 2) *oct file documentation is lacking. I probably know more
    A+A>    than most about how to program them, but there are obviously
    A+A>    many tricks (like const Matrices) that I'm unaware of.

Some lines as simple ASCII doc may be helpful for the beginners.

    A+A>    I would volunteer to write *oct documentation, but I'm 
    A+A>    already behind in the things I've promised to write
    A+A>    for octave.

    A+A> ______________________________________________________________
    A+A> Andy Adler,                               address@hidden


Der dauerhafte Zustand eines Luftballons.

Dipl. Phys. Thomas Walter
Inst. f. Physiklische Chemie II
Egerlandstr. 3                          Tel.: ++9131-85 27326 / 27330
91058 Erlangen, Germany                 email: address@hidden

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