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Re: Paper on Control Toolbox?

From: A. Scottedward Hodel
Subject: Re: Paper on Control Toolbox?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 10:31:39 -0600

>A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:
>> Yes indeed:
>> @inproceedings{hodtenetal96,
>>    author    = {A. S. Hodel and R. B. Tenison and D. A. Clem and J. E. 
>> Ingram},
>>    title     = {The Octave Control Systems Toolbox: A ${\rm 
>> MATLAB^{tm}}$-like {CACSD} Environment},
>>    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1996 {IEEE} International Symposium on 
>> Computer-Aided Control System Design},
>>    pages     = {386--391},
>>    year      = {1996},
>>    month     = {Sept. 15-18},
>>    publisher = {{IEEE} Control Systems Society},
>>    address   = {Dearborn, Mich.}
>> }
>Is possible to get a copy of the article?

I hesitate to put the original paper on the web since it's a much abbreviated 
somewhat out of date) version of what's in control.texi in the Octave 
in octave-2.1.12 and following.  The only think missing in the texinfo 
are some diagrams that are included in the m-file help documentation.

The citation will do the job for a reference in a paper.
Several things changed since the paper came out, such as signal names being 
stored in lists, cleaner interfaces in the system data structure access 
functions, etc.,
Kai Mueller's update of the hinfsyn function, bilinear c2d/d2c transforms, etc.,
so you'd really be better off reading the Octave manual (controls starts on
p. 175, I think).  I'm maintaining control.texi, but I have no plans to update
the conference paper to stay up to date.

The OCST is available in octave-2.1.12 and following; a snapshot of
my latest version (also kept in CVS archive with the other Octave 
sources) is at

The OCST will be included in the main octave releases once lists are no longer
considered to be "bleeding-edge."

A S Hodel Assoc. Prof. Dept Elect Eng, Auburn Univ,AL  36849-5201
On leave at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (256) 544-1426
Address until 15 Mar 2000:Mail Code ED-13, MSFC, Alabama, 35812

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