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Re: Optimisation functions missing? (fwd)

From: heberf
Subject: Re: Optimisation functions missing? (fwd)
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 15:32:08 -0600 (CST)

That sounds fine.  Actually Al Goldstein (who teaches optimization at U of 
Washington) used to be on this list.  He has written some octave code for an 
exterior point method which give Chebychev approximations for overdetermined 
systems.  He might be the most logical person to ask.  Any of these people 
give us a good starting point.

However I think we will never escape from the issue that there is no best one 
use.  In fact we may get different answers depending on who we talk to.  Even 
they all agree today they won't in a few weeks.  That's life on the bleeding 
edge.  This should not stop us from starting. 


> On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, heberf wrote:
> > Your friends comments were interesting and (I think) correct.  
> > It all comes down to the following: there is no easy answer the 
> > question "What is the best optimization method".  
> Actually, I thought it all came down to the question "Who is going
> to contact the people Irina mentioned, especially since one or the
> other of them might have well-informed opinions and *possibly* even
> some code they'd be willing to share." :-)
> jking

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