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Re: Octave & C++/Octave and symbolic math

From: Michael Hanke
Subject: Re: Octave & C++/Octave and symbolic math
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 14:17:27 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi there,

In my opinion, this is something which lies completely outside the
scope of a package like octave. I am using it because it gives a fast
and convenient access to reliable, robust, and fast numerical
methods. Therefore, it is an ideal tool for  n u m e r i c a l
experiments. It is by far faster than matlab. Octave helps me a lot
in research and teaching (Thanks to jwe!). Integrating other tools
like symbolic math lead to A completely new package. Presently, I do
not know of a satisfying integration of both sides of computations.
Even commercial products do not try it. A more pressing question is
the inclusion of sparse numerics (IMO).
Conclusion: I think that one should not spent time for building a new
"elefant" but rather restrict octave to its basics.


PS. Sometimes I have the impression that there is the believe that
everything should be (re)programmed in C++ today. U*x has nice tools
for integrating sources from different languages, so use them. M.

|  Michael Hanke                Royal Institute of Technology   |
|                               NADA                            |
|                               S-10044 Stockholm               |
|                               Sweden                          |
|  Visiting address:            Lindstedtsvaegen 3              |
|  Phone:                       + (46) (8) 790 6278             |
|  Fax:                         + (46) (8) 790 0930             |
|  Email:                       address@hidden               |
|                               address@hidden       |

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