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benchmark 1.10

From: Francesco Potorti`
Subject: benchmark 1.10
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 97 16:15 MET

I looked at the SPEC web page, and they have no other CPU benchmark
ready after SPEC95.  They plan a spec 98, but that isn't ready as
yet (obvious, isn't it? :-).

Intel architectures are not well defined like a Sun Sparc is.  Then,
unless someone comes up with a solution to this problem, I'd continue
to use Sparc 10/40 as the reference machine, which won't be a problem
in any case, since the numbers published in bm_results contain all the
data necessary to rebuild the reference vectors for any machine.

The new benchmark is for octave 2.0.5 and can be found, as usual, in
<URL:>, while the results are in
<URL:> (mirrors welcome).  No new
results have been added yet.

Everyone is encouraged to run the benchmark with octave 2.0.5 and send
the results to me.

I have not added yet the results for Alpha because I cannot find a
moment when the machine is idle, but it seems that, with respect to
version 1.1.1, the for loop is about 30% faster (expected), the
differential equation test is about 10% faster (expected), and the
Schur decomposition is about 30% slower (unexpected!).

These informal results seem confirmed by the new reference time vector
for the Sun Sparc 10/40:

1.1.1   bm_reftime = [1.61 4.54 3.88 2.12 2.47];
2.0.5   bm_reftime = [1.63 6.66 3.05 2.09 1.51];

as you see, the third (diff. eq.) and the fifth (for loop) tests run
quicker, but the second (Schur decomp.) is slower!  

For convenience I append the benchmark here.

Discussions on help-octave, results to me.

Francesco Potorti` (researcher)        Voice:    +39-50-593203
Computer Network Division              Operator: +39-50-593211
CNUCE-CNR, Via Santa Maria 36          Fax:      +39-50-904052
56126 Pisa - Italy                     Email: address@hidden

----------------------   benchmark.m   ----------------------------------

bm_version = ["bm ", "1.10"];

# Benchmark for octave.
# Francesco Potorti` <address@hidden>
# 1997/03/10 14:49:20
#   Send the results you get on your machine to the address above,
#   so that I can include them in the result list.
# latest benchmark.m version in <URL:>
# latest result list in <URL:>

printf ("Octave benchmark version %s\n", bm_version);

# To add reference times for your machine run the benchmark and
# add the values contained in the bm_mytime vector.
if (strcmp(version(), "1.1.1"))
  # Matthias Roessler <address@hidden>
  bm_refname = "Sun Sparc 10/40";
  bm_reftime = [1.61 4.54 3.88 2.12 2.47];
elseif (strcmp(version(), "ss-960323"))
  # Rick Niles <address@hidden>
  bm_refname = "Sun Sparc 10/50";
  bm_reftime = [2.00 8.95 2.60 3.03 1.11];
elseif (strcmp(version(), "2.0.5"))
  # Christian Jvnsson ISY/DTR <address@hidden>
  bm_refname = "Sun Sparc 10/40";
  bm_reftime = [1.63 6.66 3.05 2.09 1.51];
  error ("No reference time for this version of octave.\n")

# Use clock() if cputime() does not work on this particular port of octave.
# In this case, time will be computed on a wall clock, and will make sense
# only on a machine where no other processes are consuming significant cpu
# time while the benchmark is running.
global bm_uses_cputime = (cputime() != 0);
if (!bm_uses_cputime)
  disp ...
    ("WARNING: if other processes are running the figures will be inaccurate");
function t = bm_start ()
  global bm_uses_cputime
  if (bm_uses_cputime)
    t = cputime();
    t  = clock();
function et = bm_stop (t);
  global bm_uses_cputime
  if (bm_uses_cputime)
    et = cputime()-t;
    et = etime(clock(),t);
# Used for the lsode test.  
clear xdot
function xdot = xdot (x, t)
  r = 0.25; k = 1.4; a = 1.5; b = 0.16; c = 0.9; d = 0.8;
  xdot(1) = r*x(1)*(1 - x(1)/k) - a*x(1)*x(2)/(1 + b*x(1));
  xdot(2) = c*a*x(1)*x(2)/(1 + b*x(1)) - d*x(2);

# Do benchmark
function [name, time] = bm_test(f,rep)          # Actual test functions
  global t;
  start = bm_start();
  for i = 1:rep
    if     (f==1) name="Matrix inversion (LAPACK)";
    elseif (f==2) name="Schur decomposition (LAPACK)";
    elseif (f==3) name="Differential equation (LSODE)";
    elseif (f==4) name="Fourier transforms (FFTPACK)";
    elseif (f==5) name="for loop";  
                  for i=1:6000;bm_x=i^2;endfor
  time = bm_stop(start)/rep;

bm_targetaccuracy = 0.025;              # target accuracy of mean of times
bm_minrepetitions = 7;                  # min number of repetitions per test
bm_maxtime = 60;                        # max runtime per test [seconds]
bm_mintime = 0.3;                       # min runtime per test [seconds]
bm_runtime = 3;                         # target runtime per test [seconds]

printf ("Speed of octave %s on %s relative to %s\n", ...
        version(), computer(), bm_refname); fflush(stdout);
bm_mytime = zeros(size(bm_reftime));
for f = 1:length(bm_reftime)
  res = [];
  bm_test(f,1);                         # increase the RSS, load things
  rep = 1;                              # number of repetitions per run
  while (1)                             # we would need a do..while really
    [name,time] = bm_test(f,rep);       # evaluate name and time
    if (time*rep > bm_mintime)          # run for at least bm_mintime
      break;                            # found approximate time
    rep = 2*rep;                        # approaching min run time
  printf("%-33s", name); fflush(stdout);# print name
  rep = round(bm_runtime/time);         # no. of repetitions per run
  rep = max(1,rep);                     # slow machines need this
  for runs = 1:bm_maxtime/bm_runtime    # do runs
    [name,time] = bm_test(f,rep);       # run
    res(runs) = bm_reftime(f)/time;     # store relative performance
    if (runs < bm_minrepetitions)       # jump rest of for loop
    res = sort(res);
    bm_mean = mean(res(2:runs-1));      # remove min and max results
    if (std(res)/bm_mean < bm_targetaccuracy)
  endfor                                # end of repetitions loop
  bm_mytime(f) = bm_reftime(f)/bm_mean;
  # print 95% confidence interval
  printf("%5.2f +/- %.1f%% (%d runs)\n", ...
         bm_mean, 200*std(res)/bm_mean, runs*rep); fflush(stdout);
clear bm_x
# Display the geometric mean of the results
printf("-- Performance index (%s): %.2g\n\n", bm_version, ...

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