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Octave contributions (0.1)

From: Oscar Marquez [GTS]
Subject: Octave contributions (0.1)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 21:15:35 +0100 (WET DST)

Hi Octaver's!

The listing of octave contributions available in our ftp server 
( with brief description, 
authors and their address.

The archive can be achived via www at

I recommend all authors to use a SHORT name (8 characteres maximum) 
for the functions, to make it usable in the MSDOS version of octave.

Please, send bug reports, contributions or suggestions 
to address@hidden

---------------------- functions --------------------------

bottom_title.m : makes a title at the bottom of the plot  
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 

digamma.m : Digamma-Function for real argument            
        Christoph Mecklenbraeuker < address@hidden> 

loadth.m  : Function to read in time history file         
        Rick Niles                < address@hidden> 

loadbin.m : Loads a short integer binary data file(requires bin2oct.c)
        Victoria Abreu < address@hidden > 

mplot.m   : plot multiple plots per page                  
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 

multiplot.m : Sets and resets multiplot mode              
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 

oneplot.m : Switches from multiplot  to single plot mode  
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 

path.m    : A substitute for the Matlab 4.2 'path' command
        Christoph Mecklenbraeuker < address@hidden> 

plot_border.m : Specify the sides on which the border is shown
        Vinayak Dutt          < address@hidden> 

subplot.m : Sets gnuplot in multiplot mode                
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 

subwindow.m : Sets subwindow position in multiplot mode   
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 

sound.m   : Send 'y' to sound interface on Sparc          
        Victoria Abreu            < address@hidden > 

top_title.m : makes a title at the top of the plot        
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 

trigamma.m : Trigamma-Function for real positive z        
        Christoph Mecklenbraeuker < address@hidden         > 

unix.m    : emulates Matlab42 'unix' command              
        Christoph Mecklenbraeuker < address@hidden> 

zlabel.m  : Defines a label for the z-axis of a plot      
        Vinayak Dutt              < address@hidden> 


vector.tar.gz     : First order tensor (Vector) toolbox              
        Rick Niles                < address@hidden> 

------------------------ Useful shell scripts -----------------

mkmatrix  : changes a text file to make it readable by octave
        Francesco  Potorti`       < address@hidden> 


Oscar W. Marquez F.             Universidad de Vigo
address@hidden          ETSI de Telecomunicacion
Tel. ++34-86-812 133            Lagoas-Marcosende 
Fax. ++34-86-812 116            E-36280 Vigo - Spain

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