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dos verison?

From: udina
Subject: dos verison?
Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 11:20:25 +0200 (METDST)

Hi there,

some time ago someone told me about a beta prerelease of a DOS (or
MSW) version of octave. I imagine that it can be a somewhat restricted
version. Is this yet available? Do someone knows about dead lines?


Frederic Udina
                                    |     voice: 34 - 3 - 542 17 56
Facultat de Ciencies Economiques    |       fax: 34 - 3 - 542 17 46
Universitat Pompeu Fabra            |    e-mail: address@hidden      
       Balmes 132                   | appleLink: spa0172           
       08008 Barcelona              |  Servicom: sva00484
       SPAIN                        |   W W Web:

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