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Re: multiplot gnu under octave?

From: John Utz
Subject: Re: multiplot gnu under octave?
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 00:54:40 -0700 (PDT)


        thanks again for the subplot command. I seem to be having two 
difficulties. The most important one is that i cant seem to use it to get 
two plots on one gnuplot_x11 screen. i can get one half size plot in the 
desired position, or i can get the other half size plot in the desired 
position, but not both half size plots at the same time. Can you tell me 
explicitly what commands i should type to achive this desired goal? I 
thought i was doing it just like the help comments suggested. Could it be 
that there is a gnuplot variable i need to set to tell gnuplot not to 
clear the previous drawing when a new plot is invoked?

On Sun, 2 Apr 1995 address@hidden wrote:

... possibly too much important context deleted, but oh, well.

> Anyway here's my subplot.m for anyone who would like it:
> -------------------
> function subplot(mnp)
> % SUBPLOT Create axes in tiled positions.
> %        SUBPLOT(m,n,p), or SUBPLOT(mnp), breaks the Figure window into
this syntax seems to unsupported in this file? at least i can't seem to 
get it to work this way. i have to use the second one ( subplot ( 211 ))

> %        an m-by-n matrix of small axes, selects the p-th axes for 
> %        for the current plot, and returns the axis handle.  The axes 
> %        are counted along the top row of the Figure window, then the
> %        second row, etc.  For example,
> %  
> %            SUBPLOT(2,1,1), PLOT(income)
> %            SUBPLOT(2,1,2), PLOT(outgo)
> %  
> %        plots income on the top half of the window and outgo on the
> %        bottom half.
> %  
> %        SUBPLOT(m,n,p), if the axis already exists, makes it current.
> %        SUBPLOT(H), where H is an axis handle, is another way of making
> %        an axis current for subsequent plotting commands.
> % 
> %        If a SUBPLOT specification causes a new axis to overlap an
> %        existing axis, the existing axis is deleted.  For example,
> %        the statement SUBPLOT(1,1,1) deletes all existing smaller
> %        axes in the Figure window and creates a new full-figure axis.
> %  Octave version by Rick Niles.
> m = fix(mnp/100);
> n = fix((mnp-100*m)/10);
> p = mnp-100*m-10*n;
> if (p > m*n)
>    error('p must be less than m*n')
> end
> % This will make your margins a little better...
> vmore = (m-1)/5;
> hmore = (n-1)/20;
> col = p;
> row = 1;
> while (col > n)
>    row = row + 1;
>    col = col - n;
> end
> sc = sprintf("set size %f, %f", ...
>         (1+hmore)*1/n,(1+vmore)*1/m);
> oc = sprintf("set orgin %f,%f", ...
>         (1-hmore)*(col-1)/n,(1-hmore)*(m-row)/m);
> eval(sc)
> eval(oc)
> end
> ------------------------------
>       Thanks,
>       Rick Niles.

 John Utz       address@hidden
        idiocy is the impulse function in the convolution of life

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