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octave is unable to load builtin function gamma

From: Hans-Ulrich Menzebach
Subject: octave is unable to load builtin function gamma
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 12:15:03 +0000

playing around with the PLS toolbox from Barry M. Wise written for
MATLAB, I noticed that my version of octave lacks a working gamma function.
lgamma is not working either.

My system is a linux box and octave is the 1.1.1 binary from .

Any way to make gamma () available or to emulate it ?

Thanks for any help,

| Hans-Ulrich Menzebach | eMail :  address@hidden   |
|         Institut fuer theoret. und physikalische Chemie          |
|                     Universitaet Essen, Germany                  |

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