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Re: GMAKE 3.81 vs GMAKE 4.2

From: nikhil jain
Subject: Re: GMAKE 3.81 vs GMAKE 4.2
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 13:51:42 +0530

Hi Tony,

1) I always set -j 4.
2) No, I do not set -l flag.
3) The BUILD never fails. The binary which is generated causes segmentation
fault. It works perfectly If I build in 3.81 GMAKE.
4) Makefile is handwritten.
5) No, It never succeed on any number of invocation.

Just to again notify -

There are 2 parts to this problem -

1) Build the code using v3.81 and v4.2 -> In both cases, builds is
happening correctly.
2) Segmentation fault -> While running the binary generated from the build,
it segfaults with v3.81 and works fine with v4.2

I hope you will provide some resolution.


On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 6:20 AM Tony Theodore <address@hidden> wrote:

> > On 28 Sep 2019, at 16:21, nikhil jain <address@hidden> wrote:
> >
> > Do you mean to not use -j ?
> >
> > That means a single rule execution at a time. It takes 2 hours to build.
> > With -j4 it takes 1 hour.
> >
> > I have -j kind of unlimited. So it usually takes around just 5 minutes to
> > build. Less than that sometimes.
> Does the error occur if you set a large number of jobs like -j 64, or use
> the
> --load-average (-l) flag as well?
> > What exactly is the bug ? And what is the fix in 4.2 ?
> Can you narrow it down? Does it always fail at the same targets? Is it a
> hand-written
> Makefile or generated from automake/cmake? Does it succeed with subsequent
> invocations
> of make?
> Cheers,
> Tony

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