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Re: Executing a shell script in a Makefile

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: Executing a shell script in a Makefile
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:58:17 -0400

%% G2345C <address@hidden> writes:

  g> How do I ask the make file to wait for the script
  g> finished its execution then move on to the next step.

It always does.

  g> Look at the 'all' target below, I want to wait for the
  g> '' script finish before 'cd to OBJ_DIR' but
  g> it always 'cd to OBJ_DIR' before the script finish
  g> copy file

No it doesn't.

  g> all :
  g>      $(SHELL) ./
  g>      cd $(OBJ_DIR)

  g> (the script copy several large file, that is how I know it cd to
  g> the OBJ_DIR before the copy finish)

I don't see how the fact that the script copies several large files
tells you anything about when the cd runs.

Remember that the working directory is a function of your current shell,
AND that every command make invokes is run in its own shell.  So a
command like:

        cd $(OBJ_DIR)

is a complete no-op, since as soon as this command is done the shell
will exit and there goes your working directory context.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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