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Re: Towards a customized Grub2

From: Xen
Subject: Re: Towards a customized Grub2
Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 12:41:19 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.2.4

Richard Owlett schreef op 28-05-2017 19:24:

When operating systems are added or deleted they *SHALL* appear in the
Grub menu in the *PHYSICAL* order that have on the disk.
If the partition containing an OS has an associated label, that label
*SHALL* be used in lieu of /dev/sdaN - *NO EXCEPTIONS*.

I don't think the Grub2 script order really takes note of personal preferences of users.

For example I personally disabled the OS prober and just created a small custom menu element source file for Windows.

This way it has the name I give it etc.

The only thing that could really work for people is a menu like configuration where they choose the name and position. Other stuff is usually okay if it is automated. But name and position must be choosable.

Alas, this is often not the case.

The system is a bit like a river, and you risk being swept along with the current if you step into the water.

The only way I would know to change my boot order is to change the name of my custom source file so that it gets executed prior to the default Linux installation addition.

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