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Re: HaraKiri in PianoStaff

From: John Galbraith
Subject: Re: HaraKiri in PianoStaff
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:28:04 -0600 (MDT)

   Try to add
     \alias "Staff"
   to the definition of AuxillaryStaff. This should for example 
   help the clef problems, since \clef is hard coded to set 
   properties on \Staff.

OK.  This works great for a while.  The first manual staff change

\translator Staff = "down"

works - it shifts to the bass cleff, bottom staff, everything looks good.
Now the second switch, back to the treble clef, 

\translator Staff = "up"

gets me a 

: warning: can't change `Staff' to `up': none of these in my family:
  \translator Staff = up

warning.  OK, so I change it to \translator AuxillaryStaff to get by the 
warning.  However, the result is a *third* staff created, with the top
staff (the original one) forever empty for the rest of the score.  The 
third staff is treble clef.

Sorry to require so much handholding.  The real problem is that I
really don't understand how the whole translator hierarchy model
works.  When I try something, it is basically a stab in the dark.  I
think I understand the basic idea, and the internals documentation is
a vast improvement over the situation of a year ago, but setting up
these translators is still very mysterious for me.  I am impressed
with the flexibility the model seems to offer - I just wish I could
grok it to the level that takes advantage of the flexibility myself.

I *think* that I am getting a third staff because it can't find the
right one for some reason, but still knows that I want a different
staff, so creates a new one.  I am assuming that "family" in this case
is (or is supposed to be) the set of staff types, ie Staff and
AuxillaryStaff.  My guess is that the AuxillaryStaff needs some more
info so it knows that it can accept that "Staff = up" command.

Well, thanks again for any help Mats (or anybody else who knows),

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