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gnatsweb PR status change messages

From: Joseph S. Myers
Subject: gnatsweb PR status change messages
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 18:02:13 +0000 (GMT)

Gnatsweb 2.9x does not send PR status change messages to the GNATS
address.  This breaks the way it is used for GCC, since developers put a
PR in "feedback" state with the status change message requesting feedback,
but if the user sends feedback it then doesn't get included in the PR,
which may then later get closed wrongly for lack of feedback (feedback
having gone to the mailing lists but not been filed with the PR).

I don't know how GNATS 4 handles this, but it ought to arrange for the
destination and originator addresses of status change messages (and such
headers as Mail-Followup-To) to be such that replies go to all relevant
people (submitter, responsible person, any relevant mailing lists) and the
GNATS address for the replies to be filed.  If it doesn't break mail
clients, perhaps both the GNATS address and that of the person who made
the change should be in the From header.

(FWIW my wishlist for what a bug tracking system for GCC ought to do,
after someone complained about problem with GNATS, is at
- how does GNATS 4 do on this?)

A minimal patch for gnatsweb 2.9x is:

---    Mon Nov 12 17:38:22 2001
+++ Mon Nov 12 17:38:44 2001
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@
     # Get list of people to notify, then add old responsible person.
     # If that person doesn't exist, don't worry about it.
-    %mailto = interested_parties($pr, 0, %fields);
+    %mailto = interested_parties($pr, 1, %fields);
     if(defined($adr = praddr($oldfields{'Responsible'})))
       $mailto{$adr} = 1;

Joseph S. Myers

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