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watchdog triggered auto-rollback

From: raingloom
Subject: watchdog triggered auto-rollback
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 12:50:47 +0000

Since I've been experimenting with a foolproof unikernel based static
website deployment lately, I realized I should write down this idea I've
been chewing for a while:

It would be very nice to have automatic system rollbacks when certain
things break.
One example is broken SSH config that makes a machine unreachable.
Local testing is useful, but like in the SSH example, some issues only
become apparent when you are deploying to the production environment.

Would others find this useful?  Where in the stack would this be solved?
 Could we, for example, catch an issue in the init system and still
perform a rollback?  Or if not a full rollback, then at least a reboot
into the previous config?  (And if that is also broken, then the one
before, etc, etc)

Obviously there are a lot of edge cases and potential bugs in this
mechanism as well.  Sticking with the SSH example, rolling back to a
version that was kept around where the authorized keys are different
would also make the machine unreachable via SSH.

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