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Re: fonts for gfxmenu, help needed

From: Qianqian Fang
Subject: Re: fonts for gfxmenu, help needed
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:27:13 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Felix Zielcke wrote:
Even with the old .pff font format the whole unicode was possible but it
was just slow IIRC.
At least it was slow with first version of .pf2 or grub-mkfont.
The .pf2 format itself is bitmap but see below. As input for grub-mkfont
they can be TTF.

that's great, does the font have to be monospaced (or
dual-width for CJK)? what code point range you want
this CJK font file to provide? CJK glyphs only?

As input format for grub-mkconf we support everything libfreetype
supports, so TTF too.

I guess you meant grub-mkfont. If that's the case, i.e. grub can
handle gray-scale bitmaps, then, use grub-mkconf to convert
WenQuanYi Micro Hei (Mono) will be my second recommendation
next to the wqy bitmap song solution.

If grub happens to use fontconfig to handle fallback relationship,
you do need to be aware about this bug, as fontconfig does not
have everything to handle sfnt ttf format:

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