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Re: [Groff] [Heirloom] Generating doc/ files

From: Tadziu Hoffmann
Subject: Re: [Groff] [Heirloom] Generating doc/ files
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 21:46:37 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

> > Using private, non-standard, or not-included fonts to
> > document the package with the fonts makes utterly no sense.

> I agree and I can't understand Gunnar here.

I think it's perfectly understandable.  It's an advertising
document, intended to show off the capabilities of the program.
*Of course* you use the best resources you have for such a
purpose.  If someone else is unwilling to put up the money
for similar results it's not the software's fault.

> > If included or standard fonts are not good enough - take
> > that up with X11 et al.

All *roff programs I know are completely independent from X11
and don't require it.  (If it runs under cygwin, it might also
access all the fonts you buy with your Windows, or if you use
it on Mac OS, whatever Apple has decided to package with it.)

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