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Re: My GPS-receiver is too good 2

From: Håkan Elmqvist
Subject: Re: My GPS-receiver is too good 2
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 16:17:30 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Thanks Gary.
My experiments where on a Raspberry Pi Zero running Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) with gpsd: 3.22. I also tested a Raspberry Pi 4 B using gpsd: 3.22 with the same poor results. On my PC running Ubuntu 22.4 gpsd: 3.22 worked flawlessly even indoors.

I installed gpsd: 3.25 on the Raspberry Pi Zero (some software elements weren't installed). Now it works ok and fixes fixes every second but now upping the minute with 6 fractional decimal digits.

Den 2024-05-21 kl. 22:00, skrev Gary E. Miller:
Yo Håkan!

On Tue, 21 May 2024 21:41:01 +0200
Håkan Elmqvist <> wrote:

Returning to this subject I am sorry being a bit slow but I simply
didn’t have the time.
No one here is in a rush.

All the time I get the same position from the receiver, so I took the
receiver on a bike-tour resulting in a 10 MB json file. As you can
see below I just got a single position in spite of many km pedaled
(jq extracts the lat and lon fields, awk with seen eliminates all
identical results):
No, I can't see below, as you failed to include your data.

You can get that this way:  gpspipe -R -x 30 > raw.log"

If I, however, reset the receiver between observations I get a fresh
position every time and the values are very reasonable (extracting
UTC, lat and lon with awk):
How do you "reset the reeciver"?

root@pipickle:~# usbreset 1546:01a7

Resetting u-blox 7 - GPS/GNSS Receiver ... ok
Uh, what is usbreset?  That is no reseting the GPS, that is resetting
the USB connection.

Also, do you have a new model, or late model u-blox 7?  You should upgrade
to at least a verion 8, if not a versio 10.

gpsd: 3.22 (revision 3.22), receiver u-blox 7 – GPS/GNSS (??).
Yeah realize that  gpsd 3.22 is really old?  Latest release is 3.25,
and 3.26 is not far away.

What is the problem with this receiver, is there anything I can do or
is it that simple that I have been deceived buying this cheap gadget?
First, update to 3.26, or git head, then send us a raw log capture.
And you can certainly do way better than a really old ublox 7.

Ps Pls remember that the fourth fractional decimal digit of a minute
in most places corresponds to 1/10000 Nautical Mile (1852 m) and is
worth around 18 cm.
Yes, as shown here:

No way a 7-series is doing much better than 10m.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
     "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

Håkan Elmqvist
Sunnerdahlsv 7
167 62 Bromma
Telefon: +46 (8) 80 18 81, +46 (704) 56 74 81, +46 (176) 84 077

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