On 01/07/2012 03:26, Alexander Carver wrote:
On 6/30/2012 19:15, Tomalak Geret'kal wrote:
On 01/07/2012 02:44, Alexander Carver wrote:
Skyview is good. During the insertion I had seven satellites locked.
Currently I have six locked with four more too far down on the horizon
to lock. Signals were good ranging from 35-45 db-Hz. HDOP has been
holding below 2.0 and the overall wander has been steady inside a 10
meter circle. I also have the SBAS satellite in view and locked.
Overall, it shouldn't have had an issue getting the offset message.
It's currently still reporting 15 seconds offset.
Very much. I went ahead and performed another cold start and forced
it to dump the contents of the SRAM and the RTC but that hasn't helped
either. It still picked up on a 15 second offset instead of a 16
second offset (technically it's showing 14.999999998 seconds right now).
I'm a bit annoyed because I was using this receiver for time keeping
(ntpd) and I also have half a dozen more of them (got them for free).
They all work(ed) fine but now has my NTP server very confused because
the time is reported to be one second behind the real time.
I can't figure out if there's a way to reset the offset in NVRAM so
that it reports properly.
I'd leave it alone for a few hours and see whether the situation
improves on its own.
In the meantime, adding 1s to the fudge value in your ntpd config may
prove a valid workaround.