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Re: [GNUnet-developers] website and logo rework

From: Nils Gillmann
Subject: Re: [GNUnet-developers] website and logo rework
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 14:11:01 +0000

Hi Bastian,

thanks for this refreshing long Email, I hope to reply to the
logo part at some point. The image is very low quality, I can
make out what it's about, but maybe to discuss something better
(not so lowres) would it better.

address@hidden transcribed 13K bytes:
> Hello,
[I'm skipping the logo work Great work, but it's not what I can
comment on right now. Love the initiative and analysis.]

> Feedback regarding the website: The website has to get more to the
> point, and the design has to support that by how it divides spaces
> and shapes them with colors, images, and writings. If you want to
> place 5 bullet points, you better take the whole white space, and
> devide it into 5 parts, each designed differently custom made,
> individual and tasty just for that one bullet point they are
> supposed to introduce.  Additionally, you want to keep up interest
> of the audience through the whole site, instead of welcoming them
> with a structure, saying that 67% of the website is not of interest
> for them and that they're better off with focusing their attention
> to this one third, which is targeted specifically to them. The
> content, the bullet points, have to be in the center of attention,
> not a meta structure sorting the audience into 3 different groups.
> Of course, certain aspects of the GNUnet are more attractive to a
> certain group than others, but there are ways to generalize those
> points to such a degree, that they're also better accessible to
> other groups. At least to such a degree that they understand the
> value of those points.  A very good reference for all of this is
> this website: The only problem with that
> is that it's kind of like a visiting card.  Another reference, which
> is good, is this website: Additionally,
> what the second website makes better than the first reference, is
> that it's not just a visiting card. It strongly interacts with the
> audience. It gives impulse to click on videos, zoom into maps
> dynamically displaying what's going on in the free wireless network
> that this project Freifunk is all about.

We are aiming for summer of 2019 to finish the new website (deadline
for server related work).
What's currently missing is people who are working on the code for the
new website. we started something (in www.git) based on the GNU Taler
website code as per internal (or was it public?) discussion.
The website is Django based, and if it's not visible public in some
thread or bugticket I could commit what we intend to make the website
look like. None of us, to my knowledge, are webdesigners, so at best
we'd get an improvement over Drupal7 - afterwards the plan was to
let someone work on it with Webdesign skills.
Originally I wanted to take on finishing the code, but I'm occupied
To the point, is what we have, and the
remote to base it on is address@hidden:www.git respectively the URL
for anon access.

> One last word to the topic 'website text': 'ethical internet' ? Good
> intentions, but too vague. At the bottom GNUnet has 2 values:
> empathy and emancipation - it embodies empathy to help other people,
> and it embodies emancipation by facilitating freedom/liberty, it
> embodies emancipation to help other people living their lives in
> freedom. If values are put into the center of attention, the best
> thing one can do to be understood and help the values as such is
> naming them explicitely and concretely.  I think it's a very good
> idea to mention the values of the GNUnet, because it helps people
> without technical understanding to understand what drives the
> GNUnet. But then at least additionally some technical key features,
> bullet points, should be dropped: Things like 'distributed',
> 'anonymous P2P', 'Filesharing', 'creating a anonymous and
> distributed replacement for the old insecure Internet' - it's just
> something early adopters expect to be faced with, are looking for,
> and get very attentive and attracted to.  It's okay, if these drops
> are pretty bold and ambitious, because they make clear what the
> project strives for to be or become, and that attracts people who
> want the same, building up momentum into the desired direction of
> the project.
> Greetings,
> Bastian Schmidt


> Le ven. 26 janv. 2018 à 1:07, amirouche <address@hidden> a écrit :
>     Héllo,
>     I got into creating a new logo for gnunet and work on the new gnunet 
> website.
>     I did not study a lot the current website and based the mockup on what is 
> in
>     the www.git repository @
>     My first impression is that the learning curve is rather steep, because 
> it's start in the first paragraph with various acronyms that I don't know 
> myself.
>     The introduction goes into deteails of what and how Internet is broken. 
> Starting up with the Internet is broken is not very positive and most likely
>     people coming to the website already know that.
>     We should first deliver a short explanation of the guiding principles of 
> the gnunet stack (or framework?). I think about: ethical, energy efficient, 
> secure
>     and anonymous. Maybe that must be the headline. Maybe:
>      ethical Internet
>     is enough.
>     Let's be creative, the current headline seems like a buzz word bingo
>     parade:
>     Decentralized, Secure, Privacy-preserving, Distributed Application 
> Framework
>     ipfs use the following:
>      IPFS is the distributed web.
>     That is a bit strong and surf on the _web_ frenzy. A misleading statement.
>     Serving static files over the network is an old trick.
>     I think we should focus on delivring a short explanation for three kinds 
> of
>     potentially interested users.
>     - end users: What are gnunet-based applications? What are the advantages 
> of using gnunet compared to other approaches in particular the blockchain, 
> ipfs and bittorrent (e.g. gnunet offers the possibility to stay anonymous 
> which avoids the need to use vpn (which is not really anonymous) and that
>      gnunet offers better performance than tor (which has known issues)).
>      AFAIK this section will be empty without gnunet-gtk and gnu taler.
>     - developpers: What are the advantages of using gnunet? What are the 
> distinctive features of gnunet? What are the available bindings? What is 
> their status? Explain in layman terms that most the regular network stack is 
> replaced
>      by a secure version. Explai from top to bottom (I think it's easier
>     to understand but I am just a webdev) what are the different services.
>     - researcher: explain that gnunet is based on several research papers and
>      that it was published in various places, link to the bibliography.
>     How someone should cite gnunet if they use it in their work? bibtex?
>     I replaced the term 'stack' with 'framework' in the headline, is it ok?
>     logos and mockup at
>     I attached the svg source.
>     WDYT?
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