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Re: [GNUnet-developers] Using GNUnet for binary package distribution

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: [GNUnet-developers] Using GNUnet for binary package distribution
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 15:52:48 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130005 (Ma Gnus v0.5) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

Christian Grothoff <address@hidden> skribis:

>>> gnunet-update is not yet finished, we're currently planning to revise
>>> some internal part that gnunet-update will depend on (stream); still,
>>> help in moving this area along would be of course welcome.
>> So what would you think of submitting this idea for GSoC?  It might be
>> more work on the GNUnet side than on the Guix side, AIUI.  Is it too
>> early?  Would it interfere with work being done by other people?
> No, I don't think it would interfere. Matthias and Bart will generally
> be happy to mentor GSoC hacking this year, and I suspect Sree Harsha
> wouldn't mind giving advice either, so mentoring should not be an issue.


So how do we proceed?  On the GNU side, the submission as to be mailed
by Monday [0].

Since you’re already working on gnunet-update, perhaps it would make
more sense for one of you to be the official mentor.

Then I or anyone else on bug-guix can of course help for all things Guix.




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