I'm sorry for this more or less 'offtopic' posting, but I couldn't find a
better place than to put my question on the GNUnet developers list...
I'm currently evaluating the possibility of using p2p networks for the use
'massively multi-player games (MMGs)'.
The requirements are quite different compared to a filesharing application,
*Performance (Latency)
*Security (Account thefts)
*Scalability (popular games have up to 180k players in one night)
(Source: Department of Computer and Information Science, University of
Pennsylvania - http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2004/Papers/03_2.PDF ).
While there was some research work done round the globe (i.e. China: Network
Security Lab, RIIT Tsinghua University -
Germany: TU Darmstadt -
it seems that nobody was able to solve the problems.
May I can ask the GNUnet developers about their opinions and suggestions how
to reconcile Performance / Latency and Security at the same time ?
To avoid misunderstandings: I'm neither working for a software company, nor
I'm involved in another p2p project. Anyway, I would like to point out that
network games are big business, especially in Asia.
Again, sorry for this 'offtopic' posting,
Best regards,
GNUnet-developers mailing list