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Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Prerequisites to join gNewSense group on Savannah

From: Sam Geeraerts
Subject: Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Prerequisites to join gNewSense group on Savannah
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 22:38:48 +0200

Op Wed, 14 Aug 2013 16:14:18 -0500
schreef Felipe Lopez <address@hidden>:

> I was wondering if there's any prerequisite to be able to join the
> gNewSense group in Savannah, besides having an account :)

Joining the group requires that you have built up some trust with us
and have shown more than a passing commitment. Sending some patches
goes a long way, but you can prove yourself in other ways too. Because
group membership comes with write access to the code repository, I like
to have some idea of whether you're technically able to handle that
(and not evil) or if I can trust you to not touch the code if you're
doing other tasks. The trackers are less critical, because those send
out notifications.

> Currently, I'd like to join the group to be able to use the task
> tracker for tasks related to art and documentation.
> Should I send you an inclusion request via Savannah?

You qualify for sure, so I made you a member. Happy tracking.

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