MJ Ray wrote:
Richard Smedley <address@hidden> wrote:
George Osbourne has been advocating government use of FOSS - it's on
Radio4 now :-)
Also at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6430069.stm
And today's _Working Lunch_ on BBC 2 mentioned Osbourne and then
followed up with at least a five minute slot on what free software is,
putting URLs up for Ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora, Mozilla (Firefox), Open
Office, and The Open CD. It wasn't perfect, but they did say to people
that Linux may be for the more competent computer user, but you can mix
and match and there's nothing to stop you getting Open Office and using
it on your existing Windows PC.
There was also a story about Bristol? council avoiding GBP1.5M on
Microsoft Office for the next five years, instead spending GBP186K on
Star Office.
They've got "Watch again". I can't use it unfortunately else I'd give a
more accurate report.