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[Fsfe-uk] Knoppix in today's Grauniad

From: Paul Mobbs
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Knoppix in today's Grauniad
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 12:51:40 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1


Risk-free rebellion

If you're not brave enough to switch to Linux, there is an alternative. A live 
CD will let you try the software without installing a file on your hard disk. 
Glyn Moody reports

The Guardian, Thursday November 11, 2004

Fixing the serious flaws in Microsoft's Internet Explorer is easy: just switch 
to the free Firefox browser. Similarly, Outlook Express's bugs can be avoided 
by using Firefox's companion mail program, Thunderbird. But what do you do 
when the problem lies deep within Windows itself? The obvious solution - 
moving to GNU/Linux - represents such a leap into the unknown that few are 
brave enough to try it. If only there were a risk-free way to try out 

There is. "Live CDs" can turn your Windows PC into a GNU/Linux box without 
installing a file on your hard disk (versions for the Apple Mac are less 
actively developed). The trick is to set up your PC to access the live CD 
before it looks at the hard drive as it boots up: the Windows software is 
bypassed, and a version of the GNU/Linux operating system can be copied from 
the CD into Ram - the PC's temporary workspace. 



"We are not for names, nor men, nor titles of Government, nor are we for
this party nor against the other but we are for justice and mercy and
truth and peace and true freedom, that these may be exalted in our
nation, and that goodness, righteousness, meekness, temperance, peace
and unity with God, and with one another, that these things may abound."
(Edward Burroughs, 1659 - from 'Quaker Faith and Practice')

Paul Mobbs, Mobbs' Environmental Investigations,
3 Grosvenor Road, Banbury OX16 5HN, England
tel./fax (+44/0)1295 261864

email - address@hidden
website - http://www.fraw.org.uk/mobbsey/index.html

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