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[Fsfe-uk] Birmingham Expo

From: Andrew Savory
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Birmingham Expo
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:47:32 +0100 (BST)

Hi all,

Birmingham Expo: just over a month away (29/30 May). We should get

* Can anyone confirm that we definitely have a stand there?
  * What size space/tables do we have?

We will need:

* Display materials (e.g. big "AFFS" sign, leaflets for people to take
away and digest later).

* A list of people who can man the stand (so far I think I have a no from
Brian Gough and Phil Hands, and a probably/yes from Marie). We need a
minimum of one person at all times, so I think we need more volunteers :-)

* Mechanism for people to join AFFS at the stand. I'd suggest a laptop or
two with a suitable form to fill in (on the theory that electronic data
capture should reduce errors), optionally spitting out receipts if we're
taking money from them. (Do we legally need to provide receipts? If not,
an A5 "thank you for joining AFFS" sheet would be a good idea.)

* Speakers and specific speaking topics?

* ... the usual "anything else I've missed".


Andrew Savory                                Email: address@hidden
Managing Director                              Tel:  +44 (0)870 741 6658
Luminas Internet Applications                  Fax:  +44 (0)870 28 47489
This is not an official statement or order.    Web:    www.luminas.co.uk

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