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[Erc-discuss] Can't join freenode servers with erc

From: Timo Myyrä
Subject: [Erc-discuss] Can't join freenode servers with erc
Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 21:20:58 +0300

As the title tells, I can't join freenode from ERC.

It gives me following error messsage:
[code]==> ERROR from Closing Link:
(Invalid username

Connection failed!  Not re-establishing connection.

*** ERC terminated: connection broken by remote peer

Connection to IRCnet works just fine and I can connect to freenode
with irssi so this is quite puzzling for me.
Also other freenode servers give the above message to me.
Manual connection to freenode gives same message as above too.

I'm using the erc version that comes with the latest pretest emacs (23.0.93).

Any ideas what could be causing this? I read the freenode FAQ but it
didn't give any insight to this.
It had small note that the server might be having difficulties but
that shouldn't be the case as irssi works just fine.

Here's my erc configuration:

;; --------------------------------
;; ERC configuration

; require lang options
(require 'erc-lang)

(setq erc-kill-buffer-on-part t)
(setq erc-kill-queries-on-quit nil)
(setq erc-kill-server-buffer-on-quit t)

;; what to do when private msg arrives
(setq erc-auto-query 'window-noselect)

(require 'erc-services)
(erc-services-mode 1)

(defun irc-maybe ()
  "Connect to IRC."
  (when (y-or-n-p "IRC? ")
    (bitlbee-start) ;; is this correct?
    (load "~/.emacs.d/ercpass") ; erc-password
    (setq erc-prompt-for-nickserv-password nil)
    (erc :server "" :port 6667 :nick "zmyrgel"
:password freenode-pass)
    (erc :server "" :port 6667 :nick "zmyrgel")
    (erc :server "localhost" :port 6667 :nick "zmyrgel" :password bitlbee-pass)
    (setq erc-autojoin-channels-alist
          '(("" "#emacs" "#openbsd" "#gnus" "#musca" "##slackware")
            ("" "#muropaketti" "#probleemat" "")))))

(require 'erc-join)
(erc-autojoin-mode 1)

(require 'erc-match)
(setq erc-keywords '("zmyrgel"))
(erc-match-mode t)

(require 'erc-track)
(erc-track-mode t)
;; don't track some default cruft of servers
(setq erc-track-exclude-types '("JOIN" "NICK" "PART" "QUIT" "MODE"
                                "324" "329" "332" "333" "353" "477"))

(add-hook 'erc-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (require 'erc-pcomplete)
             (erc-completion-mode 1)))

(require 'erc-fill)
(erc-fill-mode t)

(require 'erc-ring)
(erc-ring-mode t)

(require 'erc-netsplit)
(erc-netsplit-mode t)

(erc-timestamp-mode t)
(setq erc-timestamp-format "[%R-%m/%d]")

(setq erc-nick "zmyrgel")
(setq erc-user-full-name "Timo Myyrä")
(setq erc-email-userid "address@hidden")

;; logging:
(setq erc-log-insert-log-on-open nil)
(setq erc-log-channels t)
(setq erc-log-channels-directory "~/.irclogs/")
(setq erc-save-buffer-on-part t)
(setq erc-hide-timestamps nil)

(defadvice save-buffers-kill-emacs (before save-logs (arg) activate)
  (save-some-buffers t (lambda () (when (and (eq major-mode 'erc-mode)
                                             (not (null buffer-file-name)))))))

(add-hook 'erc-insert-post-hook 'erc-save-buffer-in-logs)
(add-hook 'erc-mode-hook '(lambda () (when (not (featurep 'xemacs))
                                       (set (make-variable-buffer-local
;; end logging

;; Truncate buffers so they don't hog core.
(setq erc-max-buffer-size 20000)
(defvar erc-insert-post-hook)
(add-hook 'erc-insert-post-hook 'erc-truncate-buffer)
(setq erc-truncate-buffer-on-save t)

;; Clears out annoying erc-track-mode stuff for when we don't care.
;; Useful for when ChanServ restarts :P
(defun reset-erc-track-mode ()
  (setq erc-modified-channels-alist nil)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") 'reset-erc-track-mode)

;; cycle through erc channel buffers
(defvar erc-channels-to-visit nil
  "Channels that have not yet been visited by erc-next-channel-buffer")
(defun erc-next-channel-buffer ()
  "Switch to the next unvisited channel. See erc-channels-to-visit"
  (when (null erc-channels-to-visit)
    (setq erc-channels-to-visit
          (remove (current-buffer) (erc-channel-list nil))))
  (let ((target (pop erc-channels-to-visit)))
    (if target
        (switch-to-buffer target))))

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