Am Sonntag 10 Februar 2008 schrieb Pipeline:
linux (entirely for tablet) for about... 3 months. So Till, if your
interested you are more than welcome to take over the port if I begin to
slow you down as I'm sure you probably have more experience integrating
into upstream projects.
You initial port is very welcome, especially since it shows that the whole
thing does make sense (there are enough games that just cannot nicely be run
on a 400Mhz arm CPU). I don't think it's about "taking over" development.
It's more about contributing. And i am willing to do that.
Just a few words what i plan to do or have done:
- i have done the tiltstick which - with moinor patches - probably runs well
on all enigma ports supporting sdl_joystick (the maemo platform is _not_ one
of these). At least the desktop linux runs fine that way. I'll send roland
one tiltstick so he can test and of course to encourage him to support the
tiltstick with future versions as well
- All other contributions i plan to do are maemo related as the dsktop version
imho is just fine. These contributions are very likely not very generic and
may thus not end up in the generic enigma distribution. However, keeping
everything somehow "together" imho makes sense. So perhaps these can be done
as patches delievered with the enigma sourcecode or even as a set of #ifdefs,
although those rarely used conditional can imho make code rather
unreadable.So here's what else i plan to do:
- The tiltstick needs a special interface on maemo since maemo doesn't come
with the joystick support in its kernel and installing a new kernel is beyond
most users and in fact not what one should be required to do to run a game.
So i'll port the "linux event interface" i have written for tiltstick tests
under maemo to the maemo port of enigma.