Hi enigma's team!
Glad to know that work goes!
I have not any levels update, but look at this:
-- this is the stderr.txt content
Exception on save of index: Could not open file: C:\Documents and
Settings\Костя.INFINITY-G3\Application Data/Enigma/levels/cross/history.xml
Exception on save of state:
Could not open file: C:\Documents and Settings\Г┼Г╝Г╠Г╡Г©.INFINITY-G3\Application Data/Enigma/state.xml
Exception on save of preferences:
Could not open file: C:\Documents and Settings\Г┼Г╝Г╠Г╡Г©.INFINITY-G3\Application Data/Enigma\.enigmarc.xml
-- end
First way looks ok - cyrillic chars are right. But there is no such file...
Second and third ways have incorrect cyrillic chars. They must be as in the
first way.