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Re: [Enigma-devel] Enigma Debian packages for 0.90rc1 uploaded

From: Daniel Heck
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Enigma Debian packages for 0.90rc1 uploaded
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 11:23:04 +0100

A long time ago Erich Schubert wrote:

> A few notes:
> file=duffy93   name="Seed Puzzle 2"
> Aren't the bombs supposed to explode when you push a stone over them?

Yes, they usually do.  But that behavior can be explicitly disabled, and
this level does so.  And it's solvable, I just tried it!

> Thumbnail generation:
> The makefile is using the wrong directory, this fails when building a
> package as non-root (it tries to make the installed destination dir, not
> the packaging build dir)
> Also I do not intend to make this directory world-writeable...
> And since privilege escalation to group id "games" is also considered a
> security flaw, I'd be happier with enigma not being installed sgid games
> by default.
> Currently, I've removed the "data/thumbs" dir from the build process.

So did I, even before the release of -rc1.  Did you have to change
anything specifically for the Debian build?

- Daniel

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